Both the Swedes and the Danes in my family have their own traditional versions of meatballs, or frikadeller. Here in my Seattle home, I adapted my Grandmother Jorgensen's Danish recipe by substituting lean ground pork for pork sausage, substituting nonfat milk for whole milk and using the leanest ground beef available. The mixture is flavorful with traditional spices: nutmeg, allspice and cloves.
1 cup dry bread crumbs
1 cup nonfat (skim) milk
2 eggs
1½ teaspoons salt
½ teaspoon nutmeg
½ teaspoon allspice
¼ teaspoon cloves
¼ cup white flour
1½ pounds extra-lean ground beef
½ pound lean ground pork
1 tablespoon butter
Before you begin: Wash your hands.
Leftover frikadeller can be placed in a zip-top food storage bag and frozen for a future meal.
Serve frikadeller with red cabbage, boiled new potatoes or mashed potatoes and lingonberries. Although we generally don't use gravy with our meatballs, packaged beef gravy could be served on the side.
Serving size: 3 to 4 meatballs
Serves 6
Calories: 330; Total Fat: 17g; Saturated Fat: 7g; Cholesterol: 110mg; Sodium: 660mg; Total Carbohydrate: 15g; Dietary Fiber: <1; Protein: 27g.
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