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Nutrition and Dietetics Technician, Registered Day

Reviewers: Academy Staff RDNs

Published: January 01, 2023

Reviewed: November 19, 2024

Celebrate NDTR Day
Antonio_Diaz/iStock/Getty Images Plus

Celebrated on the second Thursday in March during National Nutrition Month®, Nutrition and Dietetics Technician, Registered Day commemorates the contributions and experience of NDTRs in the delivery of safe, culturally competent, quality food and nutrition services.

Nutrition and dietetics technicians, registered (NDTRs) are nationally credentialed by the Commission on Dietetic Registration and are integral members of health care and foodservice management teams. NDTRs work under the supervision of registered dietitian nutritionists when in direct patient or client nutrition care and may work independently in providing general nutrition education to healthy populations.

Nutrition and dietetics technicians, registered are employed throughout the community in areas such as hospitals, public health clinics, nursing homes and more and use their nutrition knowledge to help people make positive lifestyle changes.

Ways to Celebrate NDTR Day

Celebrate this special event by recognizing the invaluable expertise and contributions of nutrition and dietetics technicians, registered.

  1. Ask the city mayor or state governor to declare "Nutrition and Dietetics Technician, Registered Day." See the sample Proclamation Form.
  2. Create a banner to honor nutrition and dietetics technicians, registered.
  3. Display photos and bios of NDTR staff members on the company bulletin board, including name, position, length of service, special credentials and alma maters. Note the combined number of years of nutritional expertise of your team.
  4. Highlight the contributions of NDTRs in your employee or community newsletter.
  5. Present certificates of appreciation to NDTRs at a special "thank you" luncheon or a reception for all staff. Some suggestions for certificate recognition are:
    • Innovative ideas for improvement of the foodservice department
    • Superb abilities in providing nutrition education to children and families
    • Excellence in helping individuals make positive lifestyle changes
  6. Purchase an NDTR pin or other gift for each NDTR staff member from the National Nutrition Month® catalog.
  7. Encourage staff members to sign a thank-you card or write individual notes of appreciation to the NDTRs in your organization.
  8. Provide a free lunch or a restaurant gift card for NDTRs on their special day.
  9. Gift ideas include:
    • NDTR gifts in the official National Nutrition Month® catalog
    • Flowers or potted plant with a fun note, such as "Please don't eat the flowers."
    • Gift basket
    • Goody bag with fruit, chocolates and staff photo
    • Chair massage
  10. Expressions of appreciation:
    • Handwritten note from department head or vice president of human resources
    • Announcement in community newspaper or company newsletter
  11. Make a tribute gift contribution to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation in the name of an NDTR. Your friend, colleague or loved one's family will be notified of your thoughtfulness through a personalized acknowledgement card.
  12. Develop a yearbook of staff NDTR photos. Include a note about why you became an NDTR.
  13. Local TV stations look for nutrition news. Let them know in February that Nutrition and Dietetics Technician, Registered Day is approaching.
  14. Ask your company to offer a donation to a local food bank in honor of the staff NDTRs.
  15. Encourage your local dietetic association to place an ad in the newspaper to help promote NDTRs for their role in delivering quality food and nutrition services.
  16. Don't let Nutrition and Dietetics Technician, Registered Day go unnoticed in your workplace. If you are the only NDTR, create a "Congratulations!" sign for yourself and place it on your desk — and keep it up for a week. That should generate some appreciation from co-workers!

NDTR Day Sponsor

The Academy's mission is to promote optimal nutrition and well-being for all people by advocating for its members. With more than 112,000 credentialed practitioners, the Academy is the world's largest organization of food and nutrition professionals. Most Academy members are registered dietitian nutritionists and nutrition and dietetics technicians, registered. Visit the National Nutrition Month® catalog for special NDTR and DTR gifts.

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