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Make Fitness Fun for the Whole Family

Contributors: Esther Ellis, MS, RDN, LDN

Reviewers: Academy Staff RDNs

Published: April 06, 2022

Reviewed: March 10, 2025

Family playing soccer
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Children who are physically active can develop a variety of physical, mental and social skills in fun, playful ways. Children and teenagers need 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day, or most days. This might seem like a lot of time, but small amounts throughout the day also add up!

Parents can model healthy habits by finding fun ways to be active in their daily routines and making activity a household priority.

Put Action in Your Lifestyle

Regular physical activity is just as important to a healthful lifestyle as smart eating. Apply the same principles of variety and balance to both your food choices and your physical activities.

  • Variety. Enjoy many different activities to move different muscles, such as power walking for your heart and leg muscles, gardening for arm muscles and sit-ups for abdominal muscles. Try activities you can do together as a family, including bicycle rides, nature walks or a game of basketball.
  • Balance. Because different activities have different benefits, balance your physical activity pattern. For overall fitness, choose activities that build cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, bone strength, balance and flexibility.

Here are 10 ways parents and caregivers can encourage active play:

  1. Balance sedentary play (such as reading together or board games) with an activity that requires movement such as tag, jumping rope or hopscotch.
  2. When and if children attend a child care center, choose one that makes safe, active play a priority.
  3. Set aside time each day for active play together, perhaps tossing a ball, having a dance party or taking a walk after a family meal.
  4. When possible, designate an inside and an outside area that's safe, where your child can freely jump, roll and tumble.
  5. Consider having your child join a playgroup.
  6. Encourage children to try a new physical activity.
  7. Give children toys that encourage physical activity such as balls, kites, hula hoops, Frisbees and jump ropes.
  8. Limit screen time on TVs, computers, tablets and phones.
  9. Plant a garden. Kids love to water plants, and they'll get excited weeks later when they see their flowers bloom or vegetables grow.
  10. Instead of catching a movie or watching TV, pick an activity that requires moving together, such as hiking or skating.

Don't forget to fuel your activity!

Once you get your family moving, remember to fuel up for activities or sports. Drink plenty of water before, during and after activities. Children need to drink at least six 8-ounce cups of water per day. Add another 8 fluid ounces for every half hour of strenuous activity.

For a snack before or after physical activities, focus on nutritious options, such as whole-grain crackers and cheese, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on whole-grain bread, trail mix, fruit and unsweetened yogurt and sliced vegetables with hummus or a yogurt-based dip.

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